Chicago Tap Theatre is proud to present “Unleash the Beats,” a fusion of electronic dance music and tap dancing from the 1920s to the future. Featuring music by bands including Nine Inch Nails, Aphex Twin, and Daft Punk, all performed by some of the finest musicians in Chicago and interpreted by the witty and accomplished tap dancers of Chicago Tap Theatre.

Chicago Tap Theatre is a vibrant dance company with a unique mission to preserve the quintessentially American dance form of tap and to take tap to the next level of creativity and innovation. The company stands apart from other dance companies by bridging the gap between tap and other forms of concert dance (such as jazz, ballet and modern) by adopting a conceptual, narrative (i.e., story based) and more emotional approach to its work.

Chicago Tap Theatre performs exclusively with live music provided by some of Chicago’s finest musicians playing everything from Duke Ellington to David Bowie, and many artists in between. The company has performed the works of Buster Brown, Eddie Brown and Bill Evans, and regularly performs classic, universal tap pieces such as the BS Chorus and the Shim Sham. Chicago Tap Theatre has performed in traditional and non-traditional settings including the historic Green Mill, Jazz Dance World Festival, the New York Musical Theatre Festival and Lollapalooza.